Python with Venv

@glimpse here we go to use the tool "venv" to create a unique or system version as virtual envirenment

@page [ venv ]

Go to the directory for your project

create the folder $mkdir my_project





---> my_data

Create the virtual Env.

The folder of the virtual ennvirenment should be a seperated folder which is not containing content from your project by it self. To controll packages a "requirement.txt" file helps to organize it.

This "requirments.txt" file can be shared to other users to make a fast start in the project avaible.

The virtual env folder ( best practise: "venv" ) dont have to be shared

Two way to use the Venv

First you could create an env as a copy of your actual python version with the packages from the system with

 python -m venv venv --system-site-packages 

Activate the env with

source my_project/bin/activate

You can now control the complete copy with

# get all with activated venv
pip list

# or only the local used packages
pip list --local

Create a package Copy to requirements.txt

pip freeze > requirements.txt

this command create a copy of the acutal copy of the activated env in a text-file @video [ Python Tutorial: VENV (Mac & Linux) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module ]

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