@Glimpse ( coming soon )
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@Glimpse ( coming soon )
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Bellsche Ungleichung: Zusammenfassung:
Bell's Inequality: Summary: Based on the work of John Bell in 1964, this is the thematization of Einstein's critical question ( see EPR ) on the paradox and claimed incompleteness of quantum mechanics. Explicitly, it is about the predictability of quantum mechanical properties ( or phenomena ) like the entanglement of quantum mechanics. Bell's inequality seems a bit confusing at first, because it formulates the unsatisfiability according to Einstein. This led to the fact that experiments were accomplished which disprove this inequality and thus which confirm the quantum mechanics. A summary on Wikipedia almost summarizes the EPR as follows: "As early as 1935, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen,[2] or EPR for short, had shown that the local-realistic point of view of classical physics forces one to ascribe individual properties to particles that govern their own behavior when measured, thus faking quantum mechanical randomness. The three authors concluded that quantum theory must be incomplete." "No exchange of information can be faster than light" ( Loosely based on Einstein ). Bell showed, however, that if one follows Einstein's concept and at the same time assumes that information can propagate at the maximum speed of light, then in certain experiments on pairs of particles the measurement results should always satisfy his inequality. However, the quantum theory predicts the violation of the inequality in certain cases for entangled particles. What was a thought experiment by Bell in 1964 was confirmed by real experiments from 1972, first[3] by Stuart Freedman and John Clauser.[4]
Bell-Zustand Der Bell-Zusand beschreibt ein pysikalisches System aus mehreren Teilchen, dass Korrelation zeigt, die mit der klassichen Physik nicht erklärbar sind. Der Bell-Zustand beinhaltet all diese Phänomen, ist jedoch für das stark ausgeprägten Phänomen der Quantenverschränkung hervorragend gut geeignet. Wichtig hierbei ist der Bezug zu den elementaren Betrachtungsweisen der Lokalität und Realität, die parallel nicht in der Theorie vorhanden sein können. Der Bell-Zustand beschreibt daher einen von vier möglichen Zuständen. |0> && |1> bezeichnet man als Basis-Zustände. Diese verletzen die Bell’sche Ungleichung maximal. Als neuer Begriff wurde auch der Begriff des Qubits für die Beschreibung eines 2 dimensionalen Hilbertraums eingeführt
A Experiment:
****Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradox: [#Q-Hard]
Summary: This theory was disproved by experiments. Nevertheless, the consideration is quite meaningful to internalize the perspective of the time and the development accompanying with it from the discussion of the time. (The discussion was based on the then current assumptions of physics. 1. causality principle 2.universality 3. locality 4. time independence ) To my knowledge the locality was replaced by the superposition. Einstein called this phenomenon "spooky action at a distance". Challenge was the theoretical consideration of quantum mechanics as a complete theory with the following condition: "In a complete theory, every element of physical reality must have a counterpart. A physical quantity whose value can be predicted with certainty without disturbing the system on which it is measured is an element of physical reality. "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradoxon Heisenberg describes in the uncertainty relation that either the place or impulse can be considered. At the same time this excludes itself. From the perspective of EPR, the measurement of object 1 or measurement of place or impulse and the derivation on object 2 cannot come to a disturbance with the elements of the reality of object two. The assumption of locality says that processes of this kind can have asuwirkung only on the direct spatial environment of object 1. Consequently, quantum mechanics and Heisenberg's assumption are not correct. Niels Bohr contradicted this assumption, because the "disturbance-free measurement" is not defined adequately, because only one reality is assumed. The attempt of measurement of place and momentum ( as complementary attempt ) exclude each other. Both quantities exist, but can not be part of the same reality, but elements of two complementary realities. To illustrate this, one can mention the apple example. Does gravity belong to the reality of place and time? Yes, on earth, but not in the universe. Reality is therefore rather a situation description instead of a constant. Therefore the reader is allowed to question which realities exist and which observables can be assigned to which of these realities. An assertion is not a proof, even if the counter-evidence is missing, it is to be assumed that both assumptions are correct, until the proof disproves one side.
[Q-Hard] Zur Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge [-Max Born] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF01397477